Friday, October 10, 2008

Journal 7:
Google Earth
• New Website for Teaching Math with Google Earth
By: Thomas Petra

This sounds like a great idea. It does answer the age old question what will I need to know this for. This will put math and science in a new light for students. It is a nice change from the normal lecture and bookwork. Just seeing what they are computing instead of just seeing words and numbers will help them get interested in what they are learning about. This could also help students who have a strong interest in math and science think of a career field that they might want.

Google Earth lets students use the Internet as a different way to learn math and science. It is called Google Earth because every thing is revolved around the earth. One lesson that they have is having students measure tsunami waves in 18 different locations.

• Gaming: Gaming in Education By: John Evens
• Blogs: Why Do Blogs Freak People Out? By: Andrew
• Online Meetings: Faculty Meetings By: Brad Davis

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